Kamfari 40 Years On

Kamfari 40th Anniversary Highlights. Presented by Auki Henry and Heather Banham.

 The Kamfari 40 years of racing in Australia

Northern Territory's famous Kamfari is perhaps one of the most physically gruelling motorcycle endurance events in the world. The  great race is run annually in the challenging tropical north of Australia just outside the Northern Territory's capital city, Darwin.

Competitors come from around the country and overseas to compete in this ultimate test of rider skill and mettle where they not only duke it out with the treacherous course and each other, but also have to endure the steamy monsoon build-up and unpredictable elements.

Assistance is not allowed from anyone except other riders, pit crews are non-existant and riders must carry everything they need for themselves and their bikes to survive. The HighRPM team filmed an exclusive DVD for Universal Magazines celebrating the official 40th year of this great race, here is the shortened highlights video from that footage.

 The Kamfari 2011 Highlights © HighRPM and Australian Trailrider


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