Huangshan City Mirage - Fail !

Huangshan city mirage in a nutshell, just a winning combination of bad translation and sensationalist reporting. Huangshan City in Anhui Province, China was one city out of a number affected by the 2011 flooding in 12 or 13 provinces.  By the 14th June 2011 the water had exceeded warning levels  in reservoirs and inundated the city.

Click to Enlarge - Huangshan City
Googlemap image with key identifying
landmarks within frames in the 'Mirage' video

Incredibly, video footage of the floods, as they claimed low lying areas of the city were broadcast and sensationalised by western media who misreported an all too literal translation of the interpretation describing the amazing wet and misty weather framing the scenery.

Perhaps ironically it is the 'Chinese Whispers' phenomenon at play here but the story became one of insanely amazing mirages, the clarity of which has never been seen before.  

It was circulated via news websites presumably in the same hurried fashion that does away with any cross checking of facts and the youtube videos went viral, along with the emergence of the inevitable conspiracy theories of hologram technology and otherworldy portals.  

In fact the truth is somewhat a little more mundane than the fiction, the 'floating' buildings suspended in mist above the river as described by the majority of news sites are actually nothing more than the buildings which are already currently in existence as seen THROUGH the fog, the 'floating' trees are explained by nothing more mysterious than the river having swollen and flooded low lying ground.

For easy identification the coloured key and identifiable landmarks are marked for you with the corresponding slides from the video. Internet hype and misinformation sure spreads quickly in this day and age!


Video Frame 1 with yellow key identifiable landmarks


Video Frame 2 with green key identifiable landmarks


Magnified top view from google maps of the same green areas


Video Frame 3 with blue key identifiable landmarks

Auki Henry Photography - Liam Devine

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Liam Devine
DT3's Liam Devine
Photographer: Auki Henry

Artist: Liam Devine
Group: DTOWN-3 aka DT3
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 17 June 2011

 Liam Devine from a studio style shoot with rappers DTOWN-3, these are samples from a promo set I did with the guys before their solid two months of gigs where they will be supporting big acts such as Illy and Ice Cube.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

Auki Henry Photography - Nate Polkinghorne

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Nathaniel Nate Polkinghorne
DT3's Nathaniel Polkinghorne
Photographer: Auki Henry

Artist: Nathaniel Polkinghorne
Group: DTOWN-3 aka DT3
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 17 June 2011

 Nate Polkinghorne from a studio style shoot with rappers DTOWN-3, these are samples from a promo set I did with the guys before their solid two months of gigs where they will be supporting big acts such as Illy and Ice Cube.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

Auki Henry Photography - Zac Calma

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Zac Calma
DT3's Zac Calma
Photographer: Auki Henry

Artist: Zac Calma
Group: DTOWN-3 aka DT3
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 17 June 2011

 Australian rapper Zac Calma from a studio style shoot with DTOWN-3, these are samples from a promo set I did with the guys before their solid two months of gigs where they will be supporting big acts such as Illy and Ice Cube.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

Auki Henry Photography - Liam Devine

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Liam Devine
DT3's Liam Devine Photographer: Auki Henry

Artist: Liam Devine
Group: DTOWN-3 aka DT3
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 17 June 2011

 Australian Rapper Liam Devine from a studio style shoot with DTOWN-3, these are samples from a promo set I did with the guys before their solid two months of gigs where they will be supporting big acts such as Illy and Ice Cube.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

Auki Henry Photography - Nate Polkinghorne

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Nathaniel Nate Polkinghorne
DT3's Nathaniel Polkinghorne
Photographer: Auki Henry

Artist: Nathaniel Polkinghorne
Group: DTOWN-3 aka DT3
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 17 June 2011

 Australian rapper Nate Polkinghorne from a studio style shoot with DTOWN-3, these are samples from a promo set I did with the guys before their solid two months of gigs where they will be supporting big acts such as Illy and Ice Cube.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

Auki Henry Photography - DTOWN-3 aka DT3

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Rappers DTOWN-3 aka DT3
L - R: Zac Calma, Nate Polkinghorne, Liam Devine
FRONT CENTER: Mitchell Russell
Photographer: Auki Henry

Group: DTOWN-3 aka DT3
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 17 June 2011

 Studio style shoot with rappers DTOWN-3, these are samples from a promo set I did with the guys before their solid two months of gigs where they will be supporting big acts such as Illy and Ice Cube.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus

Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT
Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 4 June 2011

 Here are some samples from my second shoot with Lan.  The first shoot having to be done totally with natural light and a reflector, this time we had all the strobes up and working and were able to blast some nice diffuse light against the sun for some classic sunset style shots.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: 3 point - with 3 x Vivtar 285HV's

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT
Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 4 June 2011

 Here are some samples from my second shoot with Lan.  The first shoot having to be done totally with natural light and a reflector, this time we had all the strobes up and working and were able to blast some nice diffuse light against the sun for some classic sunset style shots.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: 3 point - with 3 x Vivtar 285HV's

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT
Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 4 June 2011

Description: Here are some samples from my second shoot with Lan.  The first shoot having to be done totally with natural light and a reflector, this time we had all the strobes up and working and were able to blast some nice diffuse light against the sun for some classic sunset style shots.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: 3 point - with 3 x Vivtar 285HV's

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT
Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 4 June 2011

 This beautiful sample shot actually had a little story behind it.  Literally the same day it was put up it had my signature cut out of it and claimed a somone elses.  Bound to happen sooner or later, and I am not overly concerned as my shots are reasonably well known around the place.

The mini saga and my resulting lecture/lesson ( some may call it rant ) in sharing etiquette can be found here:

The internet isn't as big a place as a lot of people think it is, too many eyes watching out for stuff.  

Which is great for photographers like me I guess!  I know many other photographers in the same situation who have had someone let them know their work has been re-badged or re-used somewhere else.

Camera: Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: 3 point - with 3 x Vivtar 285HV's

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT
Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 4 June 2011

 Here are some samples from my second shoot with Lan.  The first shoot having to be done totally with natural light and a reflector, this time we had all the strobes up and working and were able to blast some nice diffuse light against the sun for some classic sunset style shots.

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: 3 point - with 3 x Vivtar 285HV's

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT -  Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 29 May 2011

 Introducing the lovely Lan (Alana) Treagus.  A well known Territory model who I have been meaning to work with for a while now but just never had the time till now!  Lan designs her own costumes and props and made my job rather easy as she knew exactly what she wanted to get out of the shoot.

This samples was from the first of two shoots, done over consecutive weekends.  On this particular day my remote flash receivers were low on power and failed on me so we had to improvise. Luckily I always carry a reflector around in my kit.  Interestingly the lack of my normal kit made me think a little harder about lighting and composition and we actually got a few pictures that we may not have got if the gear had been working!

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: Gold reflector

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 29 May 2011

 Introducing the lovely Lan (Alana) Treagus.  A well known Territory model who I have been meaning to work with for a while now but just never had the time till now!  

Lan designs her own costumes and props and made my job rather easy as she knew exactly what she wanted to get out of the shoot. This samples was from the first of two shoots, done over consecutive weekends.  On this particular day my remote flash receivers were low on power and failed on me so we had to improvise. Luckily I always carry a reflector around in my kit.  

Interestingly the lack of my normal kit made me think a little harder about lighting and composition and we actually got a few pictures that we may not have got if the gear had been working!

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: Gold reflector

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT -  Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 29 May 2011

 Introducing the lovely Lan (Alana) Treagus.  A well known Territory model who I have been meaning to work with for a while now but just never had the time till now!  

Lan designs her own costumes and props and made my job rather easy as she knew exactly what she wanted to get out of the shoot. This samples was from the first of two shoots, done over consecutive weekends.  On this particular day my remote flash receivers were low on power and failed on me so we had to improvise.

Luckily I always carry a reflector around in my kit.  Interestingly the lack of my normal kit made me think a little harder about lighting and composition and we actually got a few pictures that we may not have got if the gear had been working!

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: Gold reflector

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT -  Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 29 May 2011

 Introducing the lovely Lan (Alana) Treagus.  A well known Territory model who I have been meaning to work with for a while now but just never had the time till now!  Lan designs her own costumes and props and made my job rather easy as she knew exactly what she wanted to get out of the shoot. This samples was from the first of two shoots, done over consecutive weekends.  

On this particular day my remote flash receivers were low on power and failed on me so we had to improvise. Luckily I always carry a reflector around in my kit.  Interestingly the lack of my normal kit made me think a little harder about lighting and composition and we actually got a few pictures that we may not have got if the gear had been working!

Camera: Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: Gold reflector

Auki Henry Photography - Lan Treagus

Auki ™ & Auki Henry Photography © 2011

Lan Treagus
Lan Treagus in Darwin, NT -  Photographer Auki Henry

Model: Lan Treagus
Photographer: Auki Henry
Location: Darwin, NT, Australia
Date: 29 May 2011

 Introducing the lovely Lan (Alana) Treagus.  A well known Territory model who I have been meaning to work with for a while now but just never had the time till now!  Lan designs her own costumes and props and made my job rather easy as she knew exactly what she wanted to get out of the shoot. This samples was from the first of two shoots, done over consecutive weekends.  

On this particular day my remote flash receivers were low on power and failed on me so we had to improvise.  Luckily I always carry a reflector around in my kit.  Interestingly the lack of my normal kit made me think a little harder about lighting and composition and we actually got a few pictures that we may not have got if the gear had been working!

Canon 7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Lighting: Gold reflector